
Children’s Ministry


Introducing children to the love of Jesus and teaching and encouraging them to be devoted followers of Him

Helping and encouraging the older youth in our body to volunteer, invest, and minister by incorporating them into children’s ministry volunteer opportunities.

Carefully recognize and minister to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the children in our body with an attitude of excellence.

Encourage and minister to parents in the day-to-day grind of raising Godly families.

Provide a safe place for our children to learn about, grow in, and worship God while providing opportunities that prepare them for future evangelism, discipleship, and ministry.

Children of any age are always welcome to stay in the worship service with their family.



  • We have a nursery available for 0 – 4 yrs. during both services.

  • Simple Bible truths are reinforced through song, story, and play.



Sundays, 10:00 am at Lake Spokane Community Church.

Each class has a take home paper and weekly memory verse. We encourage parents to read and review with their child.  Kids can receive prizes for memorizing the weekly verse.


Kids J.A.M (Jesus and Me)

All kids K-6th grade invited!!!

When: Wed 6:15-7:45pm

Where: Lake Spokane Church – 6418 Highway 291

Jesus and Me helps children:

  1. build a personal relationship with Jesus while growing their knowledge about the Bible and strengthening their walk with Him.
  2. form strong, healthy relationships with others.
  3. grow in all aspects of life – physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual.
  4. focus on learning to serve others as Christ served us.

Call the church office (509) 276-5472 for details.

Bible Memory, Active Games, Bible Lessons, Prizes, Runs September-April



“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young.  Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.”  I Timothy 4:12



  • All Children’s Ministry volunteers are required to fill out an application and have a background check prior to working with children.

  • Children are checked in and given tags upon arrival, and the doors to Children’s Ministry area are locked during service.


Julie Durheim & Abigail Durheim – (509) 276-5472