Upcoming Events
Join us at 6:30pm for a Bible Study in the book of Hebrews at the home of Dave & Terri Wells – 6449 Dover Rd., Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 Everyone is welcome to join us as we pray for one another, our community and our country. Contact Ron Alter at 509 362-4603 Join us at Art & Mary Bradley’s home for a Bible study. 6pm – 6602 Sunshine Shores, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 Each Wednesday at 1pm, sort and prepare clothing for the Clothing Closet which is open the 3rd Saturday of each month. Join the men from multiple local churches for breakfast and fellowship. Nine Mile Community Church – 11223 W Charles Rd, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 Join us at 6:30pm for a Bible Study in the book of Hebrews at the home of Dave & Terri Wells – 6449 Dover Rd., Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 Everyone is welcome to join us as we pray for one another, our community and our country. Contact Ron Alter at 509 362-4603 Join us at Art & Mary Bradley’s home for a Bible study. 6pm – 6602 Sunshine Shores, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026The Tum Tum Food Pantry, located at the Lake Spokane Community Church Annex, 6424 Hwy. 291, (next door to the church) is open from 9:00 am until 11 am. ( No supporting documents needed! )